Coventry City Agree Two-Year Deal to Return to Ricoh Arena

August 21, 2014

English League One club Coventry City will return to the Ricoh Arena after agreeing a two-year deal with the company that runs the stadium.

The Sky Blues have been playing their homes matches in Northampton since the beginning of the 2013-14 season after a an ongoing dispute over rent.

However, after negotiations between both parties over the last month, the issue has finally been resolved.

The agreement can be extended until 2018, with the first game back at the Ricoh set to be against Gillingham on 5 September.

“We had an end in sight and we’ve got over that finishing line,” said Chris Robinson, chairman of Arena Coventry Limited (ACL), the company that runs the Ricoh Arena.

“Discussions that have taken place over the last month with Steve Waggott, development director from CCFC, have been conducted with great spirit and a real sense of commitment, to secure the return of the club to the city.

“The focus now is on the future and trying to get the Arena as busy as possible and try and deliver a great matchday experience for the supporters.”

This deal ends the stand-off between ACL and Coventry which dates back to April 2012.

“We are under no illusion what a difficult 12 months it has been for the supporters and that was uppermost in our thinking as we worked to get this deal done,” said Steve Waggott, Sky Blues development director.

“There has had to be compromise on both sides and the commercial details of the deal will remain confidential.

“Now it is all about looking forward to a really exciting season back in the community and with a real chance of success.

“I am sure every supporter will want to give Steven Pressley, his staff and players their full backing for the season at the Ricoh.”

Coventry City council, which part-owns the Ricoh Arena, expressed its relief at the row being resolved.

In a statement they said: “This is a day thousands of fans have been hoping for and it’s great news for everyone who cares about the club and the city.

“We’ve always been clear that we wanted the Sky Blues playing again in their rightful home, the Ricoh Arena. That will now happen.”