Williams Opens New Advanced Engineering Facility

July 13, 2014

Williams have unveiled a new Advanced Engineering facility in Grove, Oxfordshire.

A dedicated 3,800m sq. building located on the same site as the WILLIAMS MARTINI RACING Formula One team, the new Advanced Engineering facility is the result of £8m of investment by Williams over the last two years. The facility is a state-of-the-art R&D site that features a ground floor workshop with Formula One inspired build bays that can be used for one-off projects or low-volume production. The facility will accommodate up to 250 design engineers and also features a number of confidential rooms where projects can be worked on in complete secrecy – vital given the nature of Williams Advanced Engineering’s client base. 

The aim of Williams Advanced Engineering is simple: to use the technology, know-how and rapid development skills honed in Formula One to deliver cutting edge technology solutions to the automotive, motorsport, transport and energy sectors. 

Speaking at the launch of Williams Advanced Engineering’s new facility the Prime Minister David Cameron said; “Formula One is a world beating, hi-tech industry and I am very proud that Britain and British engineers and designers play such a key role within it. Williams opening their Advanced Engineering facility in Oxfordshire is great news for the local area and a vote of confidence in our long-term economic plan to back business, create jobs and secure a better future for Britain”.

Mike O’Driscoll, Group CEO of Williams, added: “We are honoured to have the Prime Minister here today to join us at the start of an extremely exciting time for Williams Advanced Engineering. This new state-of-the-art building gives our talented and diverse skills base a home and provides capacity for 250 designers, engineers and technicians. Williams’ diversification programme has achieved much over the past few years and from here I expect Williams Advanced Engineering to make rapid progress. Improving energy efficiency is an important global concern and we are confident that Williams has the unique know-how and resources to play an important role in tackling this issue. “