WADA Team to Visit Jamaica as Olympic Status Remains Unclear
October 23, 2013
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) will send a team to Jamaica on Monday to investigate claims the country was not handling recent drug scandals in the proper manner.
A local radio station reported that Dr Herbert Elliot, chairman of the board of the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) had confirmed the two day-visit by the WADA team for a special audit.
Elliot said: “WADA will be sending three officers to Jamaica next Monday and Tuesday (October 28 and 29).”
The problem arose when a former JADCO executive director said the agency’s drug testing programme was insufficient.
WADA President John Fahey told The Daily Telegraph that Jamaica could be found as non-complaint with the WADA Code, which would result in a ban on their athletes competing in the Olympics, including global superstar Usain Bolt.
Fahey said: “The current position is unacceptable to WADA and we’re not going to take it lying down.”
He also dismissed JADCO’s attempt to delay the audit as “farcical.”