USOC Expands Infostrada Sports Partnership

October 1, 2013

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) have expanded their partnership with Infostrada Sports (IS).

During the four year deal, USOC will not only have continued access to Podium, IS premier sport performance analytic tool, but USOC will also have unlimited access to Infrostrada’s world leading sports database of Olympic and Paralympic sports. This will enable USOC to create the most comprehensive and unparalleled sports analytic program in the world.

The partnership with USOC provides IS with the opportunity to take the sports database to an unmatched level for Olympic sports. By growing in both breadth and depth of the data, IS can continue offering analyses and consultancy to prepare organisations around the world to face the challenges of the next decade.

“It has been clear to our analysts from day one that Podium is the optimal analytic tool to fully suit the needs of our Competitive Analysis team,” said Alan Ashley, Chief of Sport Performance USOC. “Work that previously took a week can now be accomplished in two hours by our analysts. This leaves more time over to go further in terms of data analysis. Our decision to partner with Infostrada Sports is a testament to their knowledge and experience in sports database management.”

Danny Menken, CEO Infostrada Sports said the company believed data analytics services was an important part of the future of our industry. “We are delighted that we have signed an agreement with such an important National Olympic Committee as USOC. We are proud to be able to provide USOC our innovative turn-key solutions that work and which are both analytical and accessible to the professional user. USOC’s decision to partner with us is recognition of the 15 years of experience we have gained in sports data collection and provision.”

Infrostrada Sports manages the world’s largest sports database, covering more than 300+ sports worldwide.