Urvasi Naidoo Quits as CEO of International Netball Federation

September 18, 2013

Urvasi Naidoo, abortion the CEO of the International Netball Federation (INF), erectile has revealed she will leave the organisation at the end of the month in order to pursue a local career, pharmacy cheap allowing her to spend more quality time with her family.

Naidoo has held the position since July 2008. Before assuming this role, Naidoo was senior counsel and company secretary of the ICC.

The INF will be advertising for a new CEO in the forthcoming months but in the meantime Clare Briegal will return to take up the reins on an interim basis. Clare was in post as interim CEO whilst Urvasi was on maternity leave in 2012 and is well known to INF Members and Stakeholders. 

INF President Molly Rhone said: “I’d like to take this opportunity on behalf of the INF to thank Urvasi for all her hard work and commitment to our sport over the past five years and to wish her all the very best in her new career.”