SMEX has 1000 Ticket Requests and Going Strong!

February 23, 2011

The 13th edition of the Sports Merchandise Exhibition (SMEX), set to take place at Wembley Stadium on Monday 14th March, is shaping up to be biggest yet.

In keeping with tradition, SMEX 2011 will continue to provide the very best platform from which to find brandable products or services to increase the merchandising opportunities within any sporting club.

With over 120 manufacturers and distributors exhibiting at the event, combined with nearly 700 key decision makers and buyers from over 22 sports, SMEX 2011 is a unique opportunity to meet face-to-face and see the very latest innovative merchandise products and services available today.

The event has broken all previous records with 1,000 ticket requests to be at Wembley Stadium this March.

From the Premier League finest clubs down to the important grassroot teams, this year’s Sports Merchandise Exhibition is proving the place to be. If you are looking for:

  • * Branded Merchandise
  • * Corporate Gifts
  • * Retail Products
  • * Promotional Ideas
  • * Give Away Gifts
  • * Staff uniforms
  • * Hospitality Products

Or are in charge of:

  • * Increasing Revenue
  • * Marketing
  • * Increasing fan interaction
  • * Security Systems
  • * Retail Development
  • * Buying the mascot costume

You should be at the show.

To request your free ticket please visit

If you have any questions regarding the show, please call SMEX on +44 (0)20 7798 8500