Sir Martin Sorrell Confirmed for Inaugural iSportconnect Sponsorship Brands Masterclass

September 11, 2014

iSportconnect, herbal  the world’s largest private network for sport business professionals, anabolics is delighted to announce Sir Martin Sorrell as the guest speaker and moderator for the first ever iSportconnect Sponsorship Brands Masterclass, anesthetist to be held in London.

The event will take place on 22nd October 2014, in association with WPP, the world’s largest advertising and marketing services group.

The Masterclass event will be a unique gathering, bringing together 30 of the world’s leading brands.

As the guest speaker, Sir Martin Sorrell will share his views on the general trends in the business world, such as the global macro outlook.

Sir Martin will moderate the remainder of the event which will include case study opportunities and a Q&A session.

Michael Cunnah, Chairman of iSportconnect, said: “We are honoured to announce Sir Martin Sorrell as a guest speaker and moderator for our inaugural Sponsorship Brands Masterclass.

“Sir Martin is one of the world’s most respected businessmen and he will provide his experience and expertise on current and future business trends to the many leading brands at the event.”

The exclusive, invitation only Masterclass series, is a unique gathering giving top level executives the chance to learn from each other. Delegates will also hear industry insight; join in discussions and network in a relaxed environment.

Date: 22nd October 2014

Invitation policy: The Sponsorship Brands Masterclass is an exclusive invite only event to CEOs, CMOs and Head of Sponsorship of Brands and other similar positions.

To register your interest please contact Luca Rimoldi at

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