Sepp Blatter Apologises but Refuses to Resign

November 18, 2011

FIFA President Sepp Blatter has apologised for the controversial comments made earlier this week that racial discrimination during games could be resolved with a mere handshake and that racism in the sport is not an issue.

“It hurts and I am still hurting because I couldn’t envisage such a reaction,” said the 75-year-old Swiss.

“When you have done something which was not totally correct, I can only say I am sorry for all those people affected by my declarations.

His remarks come among a long line of other serious blunders, leading many sportsmen, politicians and administrators to call for his resignation.

Despite the storm, the FIFA chief has adamantly refuses to step down and can see no reason as to why he should. Instead, he has insisted that this is a lesson learnt and will continue to fight against racism on the pitch with a policy of ‘zero tolerance’.

“To leave would be totally unfair and not compatible with my fighting spirit, my character, my energy.”  Blatter said.

“When you are faced with a problem you have to face the problem. To leave would be totally unfair and not compatible with my fighting spirit, my character, my energy.”