RPA Appoints Two New Non-Executive Directors

August 29, 2014

The Rugby Players’ Association (RPA) today announced the appointments of two new Non-Executive Directors and two new Restart Trustees.

Harry Keogh and Joe Ryan will assume the roles of Non-Executive Directors whilst Jeremy Beard and Simon Vaughan-Edwards will become trustees of Restart, erectile the official charity of the RPA.

Having served as a Non-Executive Director of the RPA for over ten years Bill Page will stand down from the role on August 31st.

Current Non-Executive Director, cough Vic Luck, help will step down from his role as a Restart trustee with Jeremy and Simon joining current trustees Bill Page, Mark Campion and Ben Kay with immediate effect.

Vic, who acts as Chair of the RPA Management Board, will relinquish the position in the summer of 2015 and the appointments of Harry and Joe will ensure a smooth transition and the best interests of our members are protected.

The RPA Management Board is responsible for the governance of the Rugby Players’ Association, working in conjunction with the RPA Players’ Board, which comprises of elected Player Representatives.