Powerade to Sponsor Races at Herald VW Cycle Tour
January 12, 2012
Sports drink Powerade will sponsor family and children’s races during The Herald VW Cycle Tour on 4th and 5th February.
Having been involved with the Eastern Cape’s largest family cycle race since the inception of the children’s events, Powerade will now also take on the title sponsorship of the family races in a deal worth some R200,000 ($24,722).
Powerade promotions manager Cheryl Price said it was important for Coca-Cola’s sports drink to be involved with the tour because it was one of the first high-profile family events of the year countrywide.
Price said the brand’s involvement in the country’s second oldest national classic also meant good exposure to a large contingent of cyclists from all over South Africa.
‘We’ve chosen to sponsor these events because, with the parents cheering on and assisting the kids, the whole family is involved. The family unit is very important to us,’ she said.
Powerade’s support will include cash, products, equipment and novelties. The company will also sponsor the Gig Rig, a mobile music truck providing the soundtrack to the weekend’s festivities.
The entry fees for the Powerade-sponsored road races will be donated to longstanding beneficiary Reach for a Dream, which fulfils the dreams of children between the ages of three and 18 who suffer from life-threatening illnesses. In return for funding, Reach for a Dream and its volunteers will handle the registration and route marshalling.