Olympic Council of Ireland Re-elects Patrick Hickey as President

August 12, 2014

The Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI) have re-elected President Pat Hickey for a new four-year term at their annual Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Conrad Hotel, allergist Dublin.

Pat Hickey was elected unopposed for a new term extending a record term of office since 1989.

Pat had already beaten the previous longest term as President of the OCI, a record held by Lord Killanin, who had served for 23 years between 1950 and 1973.

“I am delighted that I have been elected for another term and I will continue to work hard at the OCI and within the Olympic movement.”

Hickey also added to iSportconnect: “My intention is during the next period to create a good succession plan in order to have a smooth transfer of power so that The Olympic Council of Ireland will continue to flourish.”