Norway & Sweden to Host Major World Orienteering Championships

July 19, 2012

The International Orienteering Federation (IOF) Council has decided that the Junior World Orienteering Championships 2015 will be held in Norway, health and the World Masters Orienteering Championships in the same year will be in Sweden.

IOF President Åke Jacobson, bronchi | in announcing the decisions, drugs praised the quality of the rival bids and said that in both cases it had been a very difficult decision. “Both Romania, rival bidder for the junior championships, and Latvia, short-listed rival bidder for the Masters event, put in excellent submissions and made it a very close decision in each case”, he said.

The Junior World Championships is scheduled for 4-11 July 2015 in the Porsgrunn area of Norway. It will be combined with the multi-day event Sörlandsgaloppen, which will be holding its 50th anniversary that year and where the first race is to be planned on the same area as was used 50 years ago.

Gothenburg is the venue for the World Masters Championships, and it is planned to hold it in the week after O-Ringen, i.e. 26 July – 2 August. O-Ringen will be staged in nearby Borås and will be a good warm-up in similar terrain. This will be the first time the Masters event has been held in Sweden since 1988.