NBA’s Danny Green Extends Alkame Endorsement Deal

September 3, 2014

Alkame Holdings, Inc., a health and technology holding company has announced that NBA basketball star player Danny Green has renewed his commitment as Team Alkame Ambassador.

“Danny Green of the NBA Champions San Antonio Spurs has been one of the most visible and vocal Team Alkame Ambassadors, and we are extremely happy to continue our partnership with him for another year,” commented Robert Eakle, CEO of Alkame Holdings, Inc. “Danny’s well-documented use of Alkame Water in his training and recovery plan, his record breaking success on the basketball court this past season, and his strong work ethics will continue to make him an ideal ambassador for the Alkame Water brand worldwide. We all look forward to seeing Danny back on the court with the Spurs next month.”

Danny Green and other Team Alkame Ambassadors will participate in on-going marketing campaigns including television, radio, internet, social media, and personal appearances to promote and increase awareness of the sports performance and recovery benefits of drinking Alkame Water.

Danny Green concluded, “Alkame Water has allowed me to up my game to the next level and challenged me to change the way I look at water and hydration in my training and in my daily life. I am honored to continue to represent the Alkame brand and to help the Company become all it can be.”