NBA Looks to Expand in China with Ministry of Education Partnership

October 20, 2014

NBA China has agreed a partnership with the Ministry of Education of China to incorporate a fitness and basketball development curriculum in elementary, middle and high schools across China.

This unprecedented partnership is the NBA’s first-ever collaboration with China’s education authority and the Ministry of Education’s first partnership with an American professional sports league.

China’s Vice Premier Liu Yandong, Vice Minister of Education Hao Ping and Minister of Sport Liu Peng, along with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, NBA Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum and NBA China CEO David Shoemaker announced the partnership during a signing ceremony at the MasterCard Center in Beijing.

The groundbreaking partnership will focus on basketball participation in elementary, middle and high schools across China and aims to provide enhanced basketball training to at least 3 million students by 2017.

“The Chinese government attaches great importance to sports education. We highly appreciate the NBA’s efforts to promote basketball and improve the basketball education in Chinese schools,” said Hao Ping. “I am fully convinced that with the joint efforts of the NBA and China’s Ministry of Education, great success will be achieved in the cooperation of basketball education between the two sides, which will surely contribute to the development of China’s basketball education and China-U.S. people-to-people exchange.”

“Under the guidance and expertise of China’s Vice Premier Liu Yandong and the Ministry of Education, we look forward to reaching millions of Chinese students through our joint fitness and basketball development curriculum,” said Silver. “This partnership complements our long-standing commitment with the Chinese Basketball Association to grow the game in China.”

As part of the curriculum, NBA players, legends and coaches will visit Chinese schools to conduct basketball clinics and provide specialized instruction to Chinese coaches and physical education teachers. Chinese coaches and physical education teachers selected by the Ministry of Education will also have the chance to observe and participate in coaching activities organized by the NBA.

The NBA will conduct the partnership through NBA China and will support the Ministry of Education in operating China’s elementary, middle and high school basketball leagues.

The partnership with the Ministry of Education builds on the NBA’s basketball and youth development efforts in China. In February 2014, NBA China and Yao Ming launched the first ever after-school basketball program in Beijing, providing basketball training and fitness programs for boys and girls at all skill levels, while also teaching the importance of teamwork, leadership and communication in a fun basketball environment. 

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