Madrid Olympic 2020 Bid to be Led by President of Spanish Olympic Committee

September 9, 2011

The Madrid Olympic 2020 bid will be headed up by the President of the Spanish Olympic Committee AleJandro Blanco, the Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz Gallardon announced.

Gallardon said that he felt like this appointment was very important and that choosing “the head of Spanish sport” as the leader was the best solution as he thought the role “required a strong professional personality from the world of sport”.

The Mayor was in the top position for both of Madrid’s failed 2012 and 2016 bids and has decided to change strategy this time around.

Madrid ran against London, Paris, New York and Moscow for the 2012 Games that London will host next year.

In 2016 the contenders were Rio de Janeiro, Madrid, Tokyo and Chicago and Rio took home the prize to host the first South American Games.

This 2020 race will see both Tokyo and Madrid back for a consecutive try to land the Olympics. It will also make Madrid’s third bid in a row.

The final decision will be voted in September 2013 at the IOC session in Buenos Aires, Argentina.