Madrid 2020 Makes 80,000 Hotel Beds Pledge

October 31, 2012

Madrid 2020 has agreed a partnership with Madrid Hotel Industry Association that will ensure that should Madrid host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, visitors to the event will have the availability of more than 80,000 beds at the city’s hotels, and room rates will be capped.

Madrid Mayor Ana Botella said: “We are very excited by the commitment shown by the hotel owners who have signed up to this partnership. This demonstration of support by the businesses and people of Madrid is very encouraging and urges us on as we work towards fulfilling our dream.”

Madrid 2020 President Alejandro Blanco added: “The Games are not just a sporting event but an opportunity to promote Spain by celebrating its history, experiencing the present and looking forward to the future, particularly the positive impact that an Olympic Games will have on Madrid and the Spanish people. Support is growing daily and over 80 per cent of the country is already expressing their support for our bid.

“Winning the Games will be the catalyst for regenerating the country’s economy” added Blanco, who pointed to the fact that the occupancy rate for London’s hotels during the 2012 Games was 94 per cent and that the UK economy’s one per cent growth between July and September had been attributed, in the main, to hosting the Olympics.

Blanco spoke of the Games legacy saying: “I’m not going to claim that Madrid 2020 will be the best Games of all time, but I will say that they will be our Games. They will belong to each and every one of us and we will work diligently to ensure sustainability.”