Leeds Carnegie to be Officially Rebranded Yorkshire Carnegie

July 9, 2014

English rugby union outfit Leeds Carnegie have announced they will be rebranded Yorkshire Carnegie from next season in a bid to increase the awareness and appeal of the club.

The proposal to change the name was made earlier in the year and that has now been confirmed.  

Chief Executive Gary Hetherington commented on the change: “Everyone has been very supportive, link particularly the rugby union fraternity.” 

“They can see the wisdom, viagra buy ambition and common sense approach that can build a team to go into the Premiership that carries the name of Yorkshire and pulls the rugby network in the county together. 

“We will be pulling in the same direction and working for one common good and players can aspire to play for Yorkshire at the highest level. 

“Hopefully, every rugby union fan in the county can become a supporter of the Yorkshire team.”