Lalovic Elected United World Wrestling President

September 8, 2014

Serbian Nenad Lalovic was elected president of United World Wrestling on Sunday in Uzbekistan.

Lalovic immediately marked his election by presenting a re-brand of the federation to member countries at the FILA Congress.

The international federation has now become ‘United World Wrestling’ after formerly being known as ‘FILA’.

Lalovic’s election also marks the one-year anniversary of wrestling’s re-admission into the Olympics and he outlined his vision for the organisation and its efforts for closer integration into the Olympic Movement.

“The Olympic world is changing, troche ” said Lalovic.

“Under (IOC President) Thomas Bach and his vision of Agenda 2020 the Olympic Movement could undergo more revisions, salve more changes.

“We need to be part of that change … We are not guaranteed anything.”

Lalovic’s presidency is now secured for six years and with the new brand in place, cough | he’s looking to expand the sport to new heights.

“I promise you that the steps all of us are taking now will be huge.  They will propel us into a new age in our sport,” he said.

“We will look different on the mats, in our competitive dress and in our brand.  We will take our message to sponsors and media that wrestling is worth investing in.

“We will become good partners in telling the story of wrestling.”

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