Join In Appoints Generate for 2015

February 27, 2015

Join In, the government backed London 2012 legacy charity that puts more volunteers into community sport, has today announced that they have reappointed Generate to support them this year. In 2014, Generate successfully brokered the deal that saw Intersport, join Founding Partner BT as one of Join In’sofficial partners.

Rebecca Birkbeck, CEO of Join In said “The volunteering spirit of London 2012 really captured the nation’s imagination. Join In is passionate about channelling this spirit to support grassroots sport across the UK.

“We are delighted to be working with Generate again to help us to build our brand appeal and attract well respected, high profile brands to partner Join In. The work they have done for us in the past has been fantastic and we are really looking forward to working together to develop further opportunities both for Join In and our future partners.”

Andy Muggleton, Managing Partner of Generate said “Continuing on from the success of last year, we are currently exploring sponsorship opportunities with like-minded companies who have sport and volunteering at the heart of their agenda and who would be a real asset to the great work that Join In do.”

For more information about Join In please visit:

For more information about Generate please visit: