ICC Board agrees on Anti-Corruption Code for domestic cricket

November 21, 2010

The ICC Executive Board met via teleconference today to receive an update on the progress being made by the Pakistan Cricket Board in conjunction with the ICC Pakistan Task Team (PTT), erectile which also met earlier today, in implementing the key action steps required by the ICC Board to preserve the integrity of cricket.

The Board expressed satisfaction at the progress of the work being undertaken by the Pakistan Task Team and the PCB which has already established an Integrity Committee and appointed an Integrity Officer. The Board noted that the PCB has suitably implemented or begun to implement the ICC Executive Board’s requirements within the 30-day time period set.

They also agreed unanimously that Members should introduce an Anti-Corruption Code for their domestic cricket which mirrors that of the ICC by 1 April 2011.

Sharad Pawar, the ICC President, said: “The PCB and PTT should be commended for their excellent work and everyone involved deserves special praise for the outstanding progress made since our last Board meeting. Now that the PTT has begun consulting and interviewing a wide range of stakeholders involved in Pakistan cricket on matters of cricket structures and administration, I look forward to their constructive recommendations in due course.”

Haroon Lorgat, the ICC Chief Executive, confirmed to the Board that he had written to all ICC Members on 20 October 2010 requesting Members to review the adequacy their own processes and procedures to protect against the threat of corruption (domestic and international) and where necessary introduce new measures which would include a domestic anti-corruption code which mirrors the ICC code.

Mr Lorgat added: “In helping the PCB, the ICC has prepared a template domestic Anti-Corruption Code, which incorporates in a consistent manner the same principles, offences procedures and sanctions as those set out in the ICC Anti-Corruption Code.

“It was unanimously agreed to accept a proposal from the PTT, that all ICC Members, starting with Full Members, should implement a domestic Anti-Corruption Code in its jurisdiction on or before 1 April 2011. Where no domestic Anti-Corruption Code exists the Board agreed that the template should be incorporated as soon as possible and where an Anti-Corruption Code does exist that a review of those rules should be carried out to consider their adequacy.”

The ICC Board agreed that all Members should consider the proactive steps being taken by the PCB to ensure that their own internal processes on anti-corruption issues are robust and adequate to deal with the challenges faced and these should include structures to deal with integrity issues; on-going education planning and delivery; reporting of integrity concerns in domestic cricket and the vetting of player agents.

Mr Lorgat stated that: “It would be of great benefit to all stakeholders within the game for all ICC Members to adopt a domestic Anti-Corruption Code and a template will immediately be sent to all Full Members.  ICC has a zero-tolerance towards corruption and we will do everything we can to protect the integrity of our Great Sport. All Members have a responsibility to demonstrate leadership and good practice in protecting the integrity of the sport at domestic and international level.”

The Board also noted the PTT work in progress to review and provide recommendations to support the PCB in carrying out necessary reforms to restore confidence in the administration of the game in Pakistan while they re-iterated that team selection is solely the responsibility of the PCB. PCB must therefore ensure that its selection policies are appropriate and amongst other criteria, adhere to the principles and values of international cricket.

The ICC Board consists of the chairman or president from each of the 10 Full Members plus three Associate Member representatives. Also present at ICC Board meetings is the ICC President, who chairs proceedings, the ICC Chief Executive and the ICC Vice-President, as well as, by invitation of the President, the ICC Principal Advisor.

Sharad Pawar                                                              ICC President

Alan Isaac                                                                   ICC Vice-President

Haroon Lorgat                                                            ICC Chief Executive

Ijaz Butt                                                                      Pakistan

Dr Julian Hunte                                                           West Indies

Giles Clarke                                                                England

Jack Clarke                                                                 Australia

Chris Moller                                                                New Zealand

Mostafa Kamal                                                           Bangladesh

Shashank Manohar                                                      India

Dr Mtutuzeli Nyoka                                                    South Africa

DS de Silva                                                                 Sri Lanka


Associate Member Representatives

Imran Khwaja                                                             Singapore

Keith Oliver                                                                Scotland


Peter Chingoka                                                           Zimbabwe

Neil Speight                                                                Bermuda

Pakistan Task Team

The PTT consists of:

Giles Clarke                                                                (ICC Director)

Peter Chingoka                                                           (ICC Director)

Haroon Lorgat                                                            (ICC Chief Executive)

David Richardson                                                       (ICC General Manager – Cricket)

Ranjan Madugalle                                                       (ICC Chief Match Referee)

Mike Brearley                                                             (Former England Captain)

Ramiz Raja                                                                  (Former Pakistan Captain)

Greg Chappell                                                              (Former Australia captain)