Hamburg Sign Long-Term Adidas Deal

July 25, 2014

German sportswear brand adidas has been named the official supplier of Bundesliga club Hamburger Sport-Verein and will equip (HSV) in a multi-year deal.

The contract with the sporting goods manufacturer from Herzogenaurach and HSV has been an early extension to the end of the season 2023/2024.

“The HSV and adidas have a long and successful partnership, allergist ” said Joachim Hilke, find Director of Marketing of HSV, ambulance “it is therefore very positive that we now proceed with the next step and adidas adidas first decades-long-term partner for our realignment in were able to gain sponsorship. This early and long-term contract extension is a clear statement of both partners, so we are very excited about the continuation of our common history and a successful future. “

“This long-term partnership is a great thing,” says Guenter Weigl, Head of Global Sports Marketing Sports & Relations at adidas, “the first division is inconceivable without the Hamburger SV. Just as the German football without adidas would not be conceivable. Together, we look forward to a successful future and look forward to a new and modern orientation of the traditional club. “

“With the early contract extension adidas is a positive sign for the future of Hamburger SV,” said Rouven Kasper, senior director SPORT FIVE Team HSV. “We are very pleased that adidas is continuing to implement its products on the diamond and engagement – both as an affiliate as well as with an extensive collection for the fans – will use. To benefit from each other two strong brands in the long term. “