Gove Completes UK School Sports Cut U-Turn
December 21, 2010
Michael Gove, abortion Education Secretary, ailment was forced to withdraw his proposal to eliminate the £162m (US$250m) UK school sports funding put in place by the previous government.
Although the u-turn does not mean that the entire funding will stay in place, case Gove promised that £47m ($72.8m) of the total would be salvaged from the partnership.
Gove also stated that a further £65m ($100m) would be released in the academic years which straddle the 2012 Olympics to ensure that there will be at least one dedicated PE teacher in place at every school.
The move was an embarrassing climbdown for the education secretary whose plans forced an intervention by David Cameron, who demanded a rethink after the coalition Government was hit by a public backlash.