Goodell and Smith Agree to New CBA Discussions
February 2, 2011
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFLPA Exec Dir DeMaurice Smith met in New York yesterday, 1 February, to discuss the league’s current labour situation. It has been confirmed that both parties agreed to hold a formal bargaining session with both negotiating teams on Saturday in Dallas.
They also agreed to a series of meetings over the next few weeks, both formal bargaining sessions and smaller group meetings, in an effort to reach a new agreement by early March with fears of a potential NFL lockout looming.
In DC, Mark Maske noted the two sides have said that the “last full bargaining session came before Thanksgiving, although they have remained in contact through less formal channels”
N.Y. Daily News reporter Frank Isola said stated that the latest announcement regarding potential discussions was a, “smart PR move by Roger Goodell and the players’ association” in order to “make it look like they’re making progress at the Super Bowl. This way people don’t talk about a strike or a lockout”