Glasgow 2014 ‘within budget’ says Minister Salmond

July 18, 2014

With the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games set to begin next week, medic the organisers are confident they will deliver the event within budget. 

First Minister Alex Salmond, asthma chaired the final meeting of the Glasgow 2014 Strategic Group at the SSE Hydro in Glasgow this morning. The venue is going through its final preparations to transform into a spectacular sporting stage for the Commonwealth’s top rhythmic gymnasts who start competing there from next Thursday. 

It was confirmed that a provision of £5.2 million would be put in place to be managed at Games time by the Games Executive Committee (GEC) which has the delegated authority of the Strategic Group. 

Following the meeting the First Minister also announced a £3.5million investment from the Special Reserve to improve the spectator experience by increasing transport and traffic services, including enhancements to Park and Ride facilities. The Special Reserve was created as a fund of £23.84m which forms part of the Games’ overall budget. 

First Minister Alex Salmond said: “Around 4,500 athletes from 71 competing Commonwealth nations and territories will compete in Glasgow and it gives me enormous pleasure to say Scotland is ready to host the greatest Games ever. 

“A tremendous amount of work has gone into delivery of this sporting event over the last seven years and I’m delighted to announce that these Games are on time and within budget. That is an almost unprecedented position for a major event of this type and is testament to the immense planning, knowledge, expertise and sheer determination that everyone involved in the Games has shown.

“The eyes of the world will be on Scotland and we are ready to shine! With over a million tickets sold and 15,000 clyde-sider volunteers starting to play their part in making the Games a great success, the city is abuzz with anticipation. 

“This is the biggest sporting and cultural event Scotland has hosted and this Government is determined to maximise benefits beyond 2014. The delivery on the Games is on track and the economic impact is already being felt across our communities. Glasgow 2014 is something for the whole country to be proud of and I for one cannot wait for the action to begin and to get behind Team Scotland.” 

Lord Smith of Kelvin KT, Chairman of the Glasgow 2014 Organising committee said: “With five days to go until the start of Scotland’s biggest and most popular sporting festival the people of Glasgow and Scotland can take real pride in the history-making Games that, together, we have created for the Commonwealth.

“As an Organising Committee we set out with a vision of delivering an athlete centred, sports focused Games of world-class competition that would be celebrated across the Commonwealth and create enormous pride in Glasgow and Scotland and leaving a lasting legacy.

“Thanks to the people of Glasgow and Scotland, a world-class stage is now set. We are redefining the Commonwealth Games for a new generation.”

The Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games will take place between 23 July – August 3.

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