Formation of the Formula E Teams’ Association Revealed

November 21, 2014

The Teams competing in the inaugural FIA Formula E World Championship have announced today that they have recently formed the Formula E Teams’ Association, allergy which will operate from London, UK.

The Association will provide a Forum to respond to Formula E Holdings and the FIA on issues impacting the Teams.

The Association’s goals are to ensure the Championship remains competitive and compelling entertainment whilst maintaining cost control and the commercial sustainability of the series.

The Association also aims to suggest a development roadmap for the coming Seasons which will drive technical innovation and attract the participation of the major car manufacturers, whilst at all times will seek to maintain, engage and increase the Championship’s fan base.

Chairman of the Formula E Teams’ Association will be Virgin Racing’s Alex Tai, whilst Jean-Paul Driot of e-Dams-Renault and Thomas Biermaier of Audi Sport Abt have been elected by the Teams as Vice-Chairmen. Heading up the Technical Working Group will be Dilbagh Gill (Mahindra Racing).

Oliver Weingarten, formerly of FOTA and the Premier League has been appointed as the interim General Secretary, to provide requisite support to the Teams (via OW Advisory Limited).

Speaking exclusively to iSportconnect, Weingarten outlined his hopes for the organisation.

He said: “Firstly I hope with my experience from F1 and football to make the Association function to the best of its ability, first and foremost representing the Teams as a cohesive unit and carrying out the mandate and objectives I am set, and secondly to have constructive and positive dialogue with both Formula E Holdings, and the governing body, the FIA.”

Weingarten also discussed what he believes Formula E needs to do in order to be successful adding: “It needs to retain its attractiveness to manufacturers and the fans.

“Cost control will be a pertinent issue in the foreseeable future, and with any new Championship, there are always going to be issues, and it is important that these are digested and resolved, all for the improvement of the sport, and making it the best possible product.

“The engagement for fans via Fan Boosts, and being able to watch live online in certain territories is certainly positive.”

Asked whether Formula E could either compete or collaborate with Formula One he replied: “There is no reason why they should not be able to complement one another.”

Alberto Longo, Managing Director and Deputy CEO of Formula E Holdings Limited added: “The birth of the Formula E Teams’ Association is positive news for the development of Formula E.

“We have always worked closely with the ten teams, who share our goals to make the Championship attractive and continuously grow, while maintaining its characteristic of development for technological solutions.

“The presence of the Association will help the Teams to cooperate with all the stakeholders on cost control; a crucial element for the sustainability of the sport.”