FEI Vice-President McEwan to Run for Presidency

August 26, 2014

John McEwan, vice-president of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), has put himself forward for election to replace the governing body’s current leader Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein in December.

McEwan has been the FEI’s Veterinary Committee chairman for over eight years and was elected as first vice-president in 2000 and has also been chair of the Endurance Committee.

McEwen has also previously chaired the FEI’s Bureau and its General Assembly in Princess Haya’s absence, along with previous roles serving as the director of the British Equestrian Federation’s (BEF) World Class Performance Programme for Equine Sports Science and Medicine.

“I have been delighted to play my part in support of the FEI and of our current President, HRH Princess Haya,” said McEwan.

“I have no illusions about the challenges for this election and the work that needs to be undertaken in the future.

“I run because I know I have the confidence and support of my own federation and because I am committed to the direction our current President has forged.

“There is clearly more work to do but we have good people in place and a sound executive team led well by its secretary general, Ingmar De Vos.

“If elected, I will seek to run a steady course and a period of further evolution.”

The BEF President and chairman Keith Taylor has backed McEwan for the FEI Presidency due to his knowledge of the sport, his commercial experience, his connections and his “strong sense of fair play”.

“We were geared to support HRH Princess Haya in her campaign to run for another four years,” he explained.

“Her withdrawal from the race a couple of weeks before nominations close has caused us to move quickly. But, we took no time in citing John McEwen for our nomination. He is hugely experienced and electable.

“He knows the FEI inside out and he knows what needs to be done to build on Princess Haya’s outstanding legacy. He is very well respected throughout the international community as a man of integrity. We support him fully.”

Joining McEwen in the election for the FEI Presidency will be French Olympic show jumping champion Pierre Durand, Danish Equestrian Federation President and European Equestrian Federation vice-president Ulf Helgstrand and Swiss businessman and horse breeder Pierre Genecand, who have already announced their candidacy.

The deadline for candidates to put themselves forward is September 1, with the election due to take place at the FEI General Assembly in Baku, Azerbaijan, on December 14, 2014.