Exclusive: England Hockey Receives ‘massive’ Response from Olympics

November 19, 2012

Sally Munday, Chief Executive of England Hockey has revealed the sport has been boosted by the success at the London Olympics with clubs across the country receiving new interest.

Hockey was the most followed team sport, as well as the third biggest sport to draw in the crowds.

Speaking exclusively to iSportconnect, Munday said: “It’s been fantastic for us.

“We did a lot of planning in the four years leading up to the Olympics to maximise the opportunity of the Games and ran a number of campaigns to use the increased profile for hockey to get more people playing the sport.”

Amongst many initiatives, the governing body set up the summer ‘Give it a go’ programme commencing at the beginning of the Games, which had an estimated 23,000 participants.

Munday concluded: “We’re still collating the figures of club affiliation and participation, but the early indications are really positive that we’ve seen a massive response from people, who have seen the sport, been inspired by it and want to give it a go, whether it’s kids or adults.”

Read Munday’s full iSportconnect interview here: http://bit.ly/U9W1i8