EOC Impressed with Baku 2015 Preparations

October 30, 2013

The European Olympic Committees (EOC) inspection team has praised the progress made by the Baku 2015 European Games local operating committee, decease following a three day visit to the Azerbaijan capital.

Speaking at a press conference, EOC Coordination Commission chairman Spyros Capralos said: “The Baku 2015 Games will leave a great legacy of new venues, infrastructure and inspiration for the communities and youth of Azerbaijan and Europe as a whole.

“In the six months since our first Coordination Commission visit, Jim Scherr has come on board as Chief Operating Officer and has quickly put in place a first rate internationally experienced senior team who have hit the ground running.”

The EOC team were taken on a tour of the venues for the Games and received presentations on progress in areas such as transportation and communications. They also had a meeting with President Aliyev, where they discussed how the Games could help to develop local communities and educate society through sport.

IOC Executive Board member Patrick Hickey added: “I am grateful for the involvement of President Aliyev and the First Lady in our visit. Their commitment to hosting the first European Games has been unwavering and their involvement in the plans and progress is welcomed.

“BECOG has reached a new level of detail in its planning for these historic first European Games relating to the sports competition schedule and venues. This will pave the way for planning to proceed to more advanced stages of venue and sports operations as well as accommodation, transport and other core Games sectors and services for athletes, spectators, visitors and other groups in readiness for the Games.

The BEGOC Chief Operating Officer Jim Scherr, said: “With a little under 600 days until the Opening Ceremony of the Baku Games, everyone at BECOG is passionate and totally focused on putting on Games that Baku, the whole country of Azerbaijan and the continent of Europe can be proud of.

“We have an experienced senior team in place and our planning is advanced. A huge amount of work has been undertaken over the last six months and an immediate priority is to begin sharing the details of our Games with the National Olympic Committees, Sport Federations and other key stakeholders.”