ECB Partner With Pitchero

December 11, 2014

Sports website service, healing Pitchero, pills has partnered with the England and Wales Cricket Board’s (ECB) site to provide cricket clubs access to live, real-time data from their Pitchero website.

From the beginning of the 2015 cricket season, clubs, leagues and county boards who use the ECB’s platform will be able to access all the information in one place through a live feed on their Pitchero website.

The collaboration means clubs will no longer have to duplicate match results across both platforms, by inputting results once into The results will appear instantly on their Pitchero website and ensure it is up-to-date with the latest match information.

Paul Bedford, Head of Non First Class Cricket at the ECB, commented: “We are delighted to be working with Pitchero. The integration of the results into the club websites will give clubs and leagues the capability and convenience to be able to access everything in one place.

“Many clubs demand the best front end technology to match their requirements and the partnership with Pitchero means they do not have to compromise.

“Clubs can continue to use for their match results safe in the knowledge their Pitchero website is completely up-to-date.

“As Pitchero is used by a significant proportion of the cricket community, we feel the partnership is valuable and will strengthen our relationship with clubs and leagues.”

Mark Fletcher, CEO of Pitchero, added: “This is an exciting opportunity for Pitchero and our 1,400 cricket clubs.

“Over the last seven years we have strived to create the number one club, league and county board platform and working in partnership with the ECB allows us to provide an even better service to our members.

“The relationship will not only benefit the cricket clubs using Pitchero but also means we can continue to deliver valuable participation and player frequency data to the ECB.

“2015 will be an exciting year for everyone in cricket.”