Donald Trump to Invest £100 Million in Turnberry Upgrades

June 17, 2014

Following his purchase of Turnberry Golf resort, US tycoon Donald Trump is planning to invest £100m in the Open Championship venue.

Trump will upgrade the five-star hotel and he has retained the services of golf architect Martin Ebert to oversee any alterations to the course, which last hosted the Open Championship in 2009 when it was witness to Stewart Cink’s playoff win over veteran Tom Watson.

But any changes to it will only be ‘tweaks’ and he confirmed anything that is amended will only be done with the approval of the Royal & Ancient Club.

After confirming the takeover from Dubai based group Leisurecorp, Trump said he was determined to make Turnberry ‘the finest resort of its kind anywhere in the world’.

In a statement, he said: “I am honoured to own and manage this magnificent property, perhaps the most exciting property there is.

“We will be spending a great deal of time, effort and money to make Trump Turnberry the finest resort of its kind anywhere in the world.

“I would like to thank Starwood Hotels & Resorts for working with us, in the best interest of property, to bring about this historic acquisition.

“I would also like to thank all representatives in South Ayrshire for their support and wonderful statements to the media.

“It’s going to be spectacular. It’s rated the number one course in the world and we’re going to be working with the Royal & Ancient on certain things that are going to be even more spectacular.”