David Evennett, Minister for Sport, Tees Off National Golf Month
April 29, 2016
National Golf Month (NGM) launched on Wednesday at the House of Commons, buy helped by Sports Minister, allergist David Evennett.
The initiative, which runs throughout May, aims to inspire 100,000 new players to #getgolfing, with a particular focus on getting more women and young people to take up the sport.
The launch included a chipping and putting competition in the Palace of Westminster for MPs, Peers and school children.
Operated through Parliament’s All-Party Group for Golf, the body responsible for ‘promoting the sport of golf’, the day also gave MPs the opportunity to learn more about the sport in their constituencies.
NGM is a BGIA (British Golf Industry Association) initiative. Their former Chairman and Director of National Golf Month, Doug Poole explained ‘Golf participation has been dwindling but launching at Parliament with so much support helps demonstrates the benefits of the sport.
National Golf Month aims to show how easy it is to #getgolfing and if people go onto our website, they will find opportunities to try and play golf across the UK’.
The R&A also supports the initiative, their CEO, Martin Slumbers, said ‘I am very much looking forward to National Golf Month and the opportunities it provides to showcase the sport.
A Parliamentary launch is both welcome and important since it promotes the game so widely’.
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