Boyne Golf to Sponsor Joey Garber

July 30, 2014

Boyne Golf has reached a sponsorship agreement with Joey Garber, drug who has made his debut this summer as a professional golfer.

“It makes me feel like I’m staying close to home in some aspect,” said Garber, 23 and a recent graduate of the University of Georgia where for part of the last year he was the nation’s top-ranked collegiate player.

“Boyne has great golf facilities, obviously a wealth of golf courses, and tremendous instruction. I remember getting dropped off by my mom and great golfers and teachers were all around. My relationship started with Boyne at a very young age and has grown and contributed to where I’m at now. I’m very thankful they believe in me and want to create a partnership.”

Bernie Friedrich, Boyne Resorts’ senior vice president of golf and retail, said Garber is an exceptional athlete and person.

“We couldn’t be prouder to have him representing our brand,” he said.