Bernard Lapasset Re-Elected as Chairman of IRB

December 13, 2011

Bernard Lapasset was re-elected on Monday as chairman of the International Rugby Board (IRB) for a after narrowly defeating former England captain Bill Beaumont in a vote, troche the IRB announced.

The Frenchman secured a second consecutive term in office after the 26 IRB Council members voted 14-12 in support of him at a reconvened interim meeting in Los Angeles.

“I am honoured to accept the mandate of the Council to serve as Chairman of the International Rugby Board for another term, shop ” Lapasset said in a statement.

“I am committed to building on the good progress to date. We have fantastic opportunities to grow the game, medicine to reach new markets and welcome new members to the rugby family.”

Beaumont also suffered a double whammy when he lost his current position as Vice-Chairman to South African Oregan Hoskins.

The pair received 13 votes each but Hoskins got the nod when Lapasset, who oversaw the successful campaign to get rugby sevens included in the Olympics during his first term in office, used his casting vote to support the South African.

Beaumont was elected along with Lapasset and Hoskins on a seven member executive board which included, for the first time, a representative from both United States and Japan.

All of the appointments will begin on January 1 and will last for four years.