Bangladesh Cricket Board to Nominate Mustafa Kamal for ICC President
December 23, 2011
The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) has given the go ahead for president Mustafa Kamal to be nominated for ICC presidency.
The issue now moves to the ICC, which is expected to formally accept the nomination that will see Kamal assume office as vice-president at the end of the ICC annual conference in 2012 and ascend to the presidency in 2014.
The BCB announced the nomination following an emergency board meeting after the PCB chairman Zaka Ashraf had said that the Pakistan board had backed Kamal for the ICC presidency. Under the ICC’s rotation policy, it was the turn of the PCB and the BCB turn to nominate a joint candidate.
At the time of Ashraf’s comments, however, Kamal’s nomination was not certain. He had not yet been approved by a majority of BCB directors.