Australia Sports Minister Supports New Executive Director

August 10, 2011

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Minister for Australia Sport Mark Arbib reveled in the appointment of Simon Hollingsworth as the new Executive Director of the Australian Sports Commission (ASC).

Mr Hollingsworth, link a former Olympian and senior public servant, was appointed by ASC Chairman the Hon Warwick Smith.

“Simon has a unique combination of experience as both a former Olympian and Australian Institute of Sport scholarship holder and as a respected and accomplished senior official in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet,” Senator Arbib said.

Mr Hollingsworth competed as a hurdler and member of the 4 x 400m relay teams in the 1992 Atlanta and 1996 Barcelona Olympic Games, as well as being a Rhodes Scholar and being awarded an Oxford University Blue in 1999 and 2000.

He graduated with a degree in Commerce, Law, and Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

“Simon is currently the Executive Director of the Policy and Cabinet Group in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, and will bring a substantial set of administration and governance skills to the ASC,” Senator Arbib said.

“He also has great knowledge of sport and the issues that face our elite athletes.

“I look forward to working with Simon and the team at the ASC and the Australian Institute of Sport to both support our elite athletes and to increase the opportunities for all Australians to participate in sport.”