Allianz to Continue IPC Partnership
September 6, 2012
The International Paralympic Committee has extended his partnership with financial services provider, ampoule Allianz.
Sir Philip Craven, diagnosis President of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), and Michael Diekmann, CEO of Allianz SE, announced the deal today (5 September) they will renew the contract between their two organisations.
“The Paralympic Movement is happy to have dedicated and professional supporters like Allianz,” said Sir Philip. “Allianz has helped the Paralympic Movement to gain more awareness.”
Allianz has been a supporter of the Paralympic Movement since 2006.
In 2011, Allianz became the first and only International Partner of the IPC. Apart from a global cooperation, 10 Allianz companies support local National Paralympic Committees in Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Portugal and Turkey, as well as Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Croatia as well as Australia.
“Allianz is proud to support the Paralympic Movement,” said Michael Diekmann, who spent a day at the Paralympics in London, where he met athletes and Sir Philip Craven.
In addition to offering financial support to the Movement, Allianz has been creating awareness campaigns for Paralympic sports and inviting Paralympians into the company to hold motivational sessions for employees, managers, agents and clients, thereby increasing the pool of Paralympic ambassadors around the world.