Aeroflot Sponsors Sochi 2014 Torch Relay
October 7, 2013
Russian airline Aeroflot has become a Technical Partner for the Sochi 2014 Torch Relay.
The deal signed by Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, therapy Dmitry Chernyshenko and the General Director of OAO “Aeroflot”, herbal Vitaly Savelyevwill provide an Airbus A320 aircraft to carry the Olympic flame from Greece to Moscow.
The Airbus will also carry the Relay Team during air sections of the route. The Presenting Partners of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay are Coca-Cola, sale OSAO Ingosstrakh and OAO Russian Railways.
The aircraft has been decorated in the Sochi 2014 Olympic style with light and dark blue quilt, which is part of the Look of the Games. The branding was applied to the body of the aircraft in Bratislava and took ten days to complete.
Aeroflot will provide technical support to the Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Handover Ceremony in Greece.
During air sections of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay the whole team will fly to the northern regions of the country (from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok), as well as around the territory of the North Caucasus on board the Aeroflot A320.