iSportconnect Founder and CEO becomes Royal Marsden Cancer Charity Ambassador

February 13, 2017

Sree Varma, founder and CEO of iSportconnect, has become an ambassador for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity raises vital funds to support The Royal Marsden, a world-leading cancer centre with an international reputation for ground breaking research and pioneering the very latest in cancer treatments and technologies.

The revolutionary way The Royal Marsden treat people in their hospitals has far-reaching impact, nationally and internationally. The Royal Marsden treats over 50,000 people per year.

Sree Varma, Founder and CEO – iSportconnect    sree

“I am honoured to be named an ambassador for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. They do incredible work which has revolutionised the understanding and treatment of cancer. They are true pioneers in their field, and I wish to offer my full support as they pursue their dream of a world without cancer”

The Marsden March

The Marsden March is a 14-mile or a 5-mile sponsored walk between The Royal Marsden’s hospitals in Chelsea and Sutton. Over the last six years this event has raised over £8.2 million to help build a future beyond cancer.

If you would like to volunteer at this vital event, please click here.
