iSportconnect and PwC Enjoy Second Successful Directors’ Club in Moscow

October 29, 2015

iSportconnect and PwC Russia staged another very successful Directors’ Club in Moscow on Wednesday evening, as the event continues to build its presence in the Russian capital.

The event attracted a number of representatives of major sports organisations, teams/clubs, federations and brands, many of whom are heavily involved in the Russian sports business industry.

This included; Adidas, Russian Football Premier League, Russian Olympic Committee, Russian Rugby Leagues Federation, FC Dinamo Moscow, Manchester United FC, HAVAS Sport and Entertainment and many more.

The discussions were focused on the practical aspects of how the launch of the new sports channel will affect the commercialization of sports in Russia. The Chatham House rule helped to make the discussion very open and lively.

The main topic of the meeting was based on launching of the new Russian sports channel “Match TV,” which starts broadcasting on 1 November 2015. Our aim was to find an answer together to the question  – how can we make the interaction of professional sports clubs, sponsors, and TV sports channels most effective?


As with the previous Directors’ Club in Moscow, the second edition featured international and local speakers, and an active combination of participants from sports clubs, leagues, sponsors and broadcasters.

Sergey Pryadkin, the President of Russian Football Premier League, expressed his ideas and expectations on new sports channel.

Vyacheslav Murugov, General producer of ART Pictures Group – the author of a well-known Russian commercial TV show about hockey “Molodezhka”, shared his successful experience and best practices on creating a good sporting content.


Oleg Malyshev, Partner of PwC Russia presented the analytics on watchibility of sports channels in Russia.

Matt Scammell, Sponsorship Sales Director at Manchester United, also took part in the discussions. Matt gave interesting comments on the way English sports TV was becoming more popular and beneficial, and talked about his experience of sponsorship sales, reasoning future directions of improvement for Russian sports business.

All the delegates expressed their interest to take part in future Directors’ Club events in Moscow on regular basis, as they like the format of the event – in particular the frank, open and informal tone.

Oleg Malyshev, partner at PwC, commented: “The second meeting of our joint Derectors’ Club was based on launching of the new sports channel “Match TV” in Russia. It was a hot topic that helped us to get together decision-makers of professional sports community, sponsors and representatives of television with their own success stories.

“The discussion was detailed and lively. All participants were open and ready to share their experience. That is why I think this event was very successful and we are going to keep organising it.”


iSportconnect chairman Michael Cunnah said: “The event successfully continued the discussion from the last meeting in considering the opportunity provided by the launch of a new sports channel in Russia. I look forward to the next meeting to review its impact.”

Stay tuned to for announcements on our next Directors’ Club.

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