PwC’s Scale | Sport Tech Cohort Showcase Innovative Solutions At Stamford Bridge

July 18, 2019

The Executive Evening of PwC’s Scale | Sport Tech accelerator programme, being delivered in partnership with iSportconnect and London Sport,  took place last Thursday at Stamford Bridge, the home of Chelsea FC.

Each cohort member had the opportunity to take to the stage and show off their value proposition with a three-minute “elevator pitch” to a room full of executives from around the sport and fitness industry.

Following this there were round-table sessions to delve deeper into the technology on show and networking drinks in the Harris Suite at Stamford Bridge.

The cohort pitching were:

  • Bodygee
  • Choicely
  • Instant Sponsor
  • My Customer Lens
  • Powa Index
  • Pumjack Dataworks

Rob Cowdrey, PwC’s Sport Tech Programme Lead, said: “It was a privilege to work with this group of companies and support them on their growth journey. It has clearly struck a chord with the industry as there have been over 50 follow up conversations requested with our cohort”.

This event marked the conclusion of the programme that has been running over the last 10 weeks. During this time the international cohort have been attending workshops and masterclasses all designed to give them the tools to scale their business effectively.

They have also been shaping their pitch and value proposition with practice sessions to PwC partners and key stakeholders from iSportconnect and London Sport.

You can find out more about PwC’s Scale programmes here.