Cookson Receives Boost in UCI Presidential Campaign through European Cycling Union Support

September 16, 2013

International Cycling Union (UCI) Presidential candidate Brian Cookson has received a massive boost to his campaign as the National Federations of the European Cycling Union (UEC) officially supported his bid over the weekend.

Cookson and current UCI President Pat McQuaid made presentations on Sunday morning to the UEC National Federations and Cookson received 27 votes to McQuaid’s 10.

The result means that all 14 delegates who will vote in the election on 27 September are now mandated to vote for Cookson, viagra pharmacy the current President of British Cycling.

After the decisions, prescription   Cookson said: “I am delighted to have received the overwhelming support of the UEC who have shown such a positive approach to the development of our sport.   

“The discussions and debate we had this morning following my presentation were extremely encouraging.

“There was a real appetite for change to help restore the credibility of the UCI and I am confident of building on the support of the UEC and Federations from around the world as we head into the last days of the election.”

The UEC also voted resoundingly against amending Article 51.1 of the UCI constitution retrospectively which would have allowed any two federations to nominate a Presidential candidate.