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The World Round-up: What have we learnt over the past four weeks

May 14, 2024

Over the last four weeks, we have been jetting around the world and had fantastic insights from Africa, US, Asia and the Middle East.

View From The US: 2024 MLB Franchise Valuations Ranking

In this View From article, Kurt Badenhausen Sportico’s Sports Valuations Reporter, looks into the MLB team valuations in 2024.  The average MLB team is worth $2.64 billion, according to data compiled by Sportico. The New York Yankees rank first at $7.9 billion, while the Miami Marlins rank last at $1.2 billion. Below are the values of the league’s 30 franchises, whose collective worth is $79 billion.

Read the full piece here.

View from The Middle East:  Saudi Arabia’s Ambitious Vision for Para-Sports Development

In this week’s View From Middle East piece Patrick Raupach, Partner and Head of Public Sector at Portas Consulting, explores Saudi’s ambitious vision for para-sports development.

Saudi Arabia is embarking on an ambitious journey to develop and promote para-sports, aiming to create a thriving and dynamic para-sports ecosystem that serves as a model of inclusivity and excellence. This is not an easy task to build something that has taken other countries decades to achieve.

Read the full piece here.

View From Asia: The women’s game, immersive fan experiences and content commerce is the future of Sport

In his latest View From Asia column, Unmish Parthasarathi, the Singapore-based Founder of Picture Board Partners, the Strategy, Innovation & Venture Development boutique, shares insights from an event earlier this month at the intersection of Sports, Technology and Finance.

On 11th April, I had the privilege of hosting the second STF (Sport, Tech, Finance) Asia Leadership Dialogue – a private forum of decision makers from the worlds of Sport, Technology, Media, Finance, and, Government – at the Singapore Cricket Club, in association with the Professional Triathletes Organisation, on the eve of their first T100 Asia Race on the Marina.

Read the full piece here.

View From Africa – “African women are taking up important positions in sports globally”

In this week’s View From Africa, Maureen Rosita OJONG EBOB-BESONG narrates her journey and spotlights on the ascend of African women in sports.

“For me, sports has been a way of life, it’s been a passion. I got into sports,basketball at a young age, maybe not young enough because of the realities of where I come from – conservative environment that was not very much at the time versed with how a young woman could interact with  the sports scene and how that could contribute to her professional and personal wellbeing.”

Read the full piece here.

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